Kate Svitek Memorial Foundation - Environmental Education Grants
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Kate Svitek Memorial Foundation

From Loved Ones & Friends

Letter from Kristy Heyser

Although I only knew Kate during the beginning years of my life, I had a close relationship with her that always left me with fond memories. Playing games in her ham. sleepovers, roller skating parties, softball games, trips to the pool, lunches, and all our other school activities are times that are always in my heart.

I can vividly remember township softball games when her father, the coach, took us to Baskin Robbins after every game whether we won or lost. When I remember Kate pitching, hitting and running I can still hear her cheers and laughter. That reminds me of the sleepovers we had in her room and playing on her farm and in the barn, or times that she came over my house and we would put together plays or skits or make some crafts. Then, I remember eating lunch with Kate, everyday, at Sandy Run middle school, and that, although we were not on the same 'team' we managed to stay friends through junior high. It was always fun when her mom would take us to her swim club on sweltering hot summer days. For five years, no matter what I did, Kate was always by my side.

We have home videos of softball games and parties where Kate's bright smiling face is ever present. We also have a video of a dance a group of us choreographed for the 5th grade talent show, It was called the Jarrettown dance. No matter where she was, there was always her smile, a kind of glow, surrounding Kate. She was a kind hearted, bright, spirited, sensitive, loving friend who fined my youth with plenty of happy times.

Unfortunately, Kate and I did not Stay friends through high school or college. I clearly remember the day Kate told me she was going to Germantown Academy for high school. I did not believe her at first, since we were both suppose to be going to Upper Dublin. Soon, however, the reality of not having one of my best friends by my side to battle through high school with sunk in. I regret that we did not somehow find a way to keep our friendship alive.
I often thought of Kate, although we did not see each other and keep in touch. Our mothers would run into each other in the food store and that's how I learned that she attended the University of Vermont, one of our softball opponents in the America East. I played softball at Drexel and made three trips up to Vermont during my four year career, but, not once did I see Kate. I guess through the hectic haze of playing and team dinners, the opportw1ity never came and presented itself.

I am convinced that Kate would have all the qualities I now look for in a friend. She would have made a great best friend for me through-out high school and college. She was loyal, honest, trustworthy, and funny. It is a shame that we did not have the chance to grow to-gether, but I am blessed for the time I knew her. For some reason, God took us down two separate paths, apart from each other physically, but together in our souls, as the memories from our youth will forever linger in my heart.

Kristy Heyser

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