Kate Svitek Memorial Foundation - Environmental Education Grants
Kate Svitek Memorial Foundation
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Kate Svitek Memorial Foundation

From Loved Ones & Friends

Letter from Eric Myers

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Svitek,

I am writing you with a heavy heart after receiving word of your daughter’s death. My name is Eric Myers, and I co-instructed the Adventures Cross Country Four Corners course with Kate last summer. I cannot begin to imagine your family’s loss but would like to share with you how incredible of a person your daughter was.

The first memory that comes to mind when reflecting on Kate and my time together is genuinely how much fun we had. Her laughter was infectious, her outlook always positive, and her passion for life unmatched. One of my favorite aspects of our course was to watch Kate open up to and interact with our students. Her teachings and love for outdoor education inspired all of our students. There was one student in particular, Andy Wentz, whom Kate particularly inspired. The two of them would laugh and joke like they had been friends for years, but when necessary Kate was able to utilize this bond to develop Andy into one of the strongest leaders on our course.

An area where I learned a great deal from Kate was in dealing with the business side of education. Her knowledge and perspective on how to manage a business and a trip successfully opened my eyes to an entirely new side of the industry she loved. I spent many hours picking her brain on how if given the chance she would improve the company. I would have loved to see the final product of her dreams.

Beyond our trip with our students Kate and I had a great time traveling the Western United States. After driving as many miles in a van as we did we were able to become close friends in a short time. We got to be tourists in Vegas, she threw a surprise birthday party for me in Colorado, we saw the sunrise over the Grand Canyon, we blew our leftover food money in one fell swoop at the Cheesecake Factory in Phoenix, and got hopelessly lost in Telluride.

The stories are endless I am sure. Watching Kate work was incredible. Her passion for teaching and creating a successful trip from start to finish was awe-inspiring. The lives that she touched, those of students, other instructors, friends, are better because of the time spent with your daughter.

I will be returning to ARCC this summer where I was looking forward to reconnecting with Kate. She will be dearly missed. Enclosed are some photos that I took of our course. I hope that you can add them to a memory book and that you can share this part of Kate’s life with others that are mourning her loss. If you have any questions or would just like to hear more stories feel free to contact me. Also if you would like to contact person with ARCC, I feel that I knew Kate better than most.

My thoughts and prayers have been with your family.

With loving memories,

Eric Myers

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