Kate Svitek Memorial Foundation - Environmental Education Grants
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Kate Svitek Memorial Foundation

From Loved Ones & Friends

Letter from Beth Targan

I Remember Kate

To put into actual words what Kate meant to me is to say the least one of the most difficult tasks I have ever been asked to face. Kate taught me so much about life, friendship and honesty. Kate taught me to live life to the fullest. She taught me to embrace everyday and to live each day like it was the last. She taught me what it meant to be a good friend and to be unconditionally devoted to the ones you love. I have spent most of my life looking for friends that are trustworthy and faithful. I was lucky enought to have found these wonderful attributes in Kate.

I remember when I had a serious crisis in my life. Kate was the only person that I would see during those days. She was the only one that I would open up to and describe exactly how I was feeling. She accepted me for all of my flaws and embraced my strengths as she coached me through. I remember sitting at Friendly's sipping on coffee and discussing what was ahead of me. She was optimistic yet realistic with me. She truely was the only one who said the right things for me at that difficult time.

When Kate was selling knives as her summer job, she convinced my parents to buy $250.00 worth of knives that they surely did not need. One day over winter break from college when we were hanging out at my house, I went to cut a pomegranate. I sliced my thumb on that very same knife that Kate has sold to my parents. Kate calmly looked at my finger and told me to get into the car to go to the emergency room. Despite my pain we just looked at each other and laughed. We could not believe what had just happened. She calmed me down and was compassionate through the whole ordeal. She really did have a warm and caring inside, even when she appeared to be tough on the exterior. It really showed that night. After all, we joked it was her fault that I had the stupid knives anyway.

But what I remember most about Kate is just driving in the red SUV jamming to Michael's rap music. I remember how much Kate loved her brother. I remember thinking how nice it was that an older sister wanted to spend time with her younger brother. I remember deep talks and talks about nothing. I remember fun times and not such fun times. I remember always having a shoulder to lean on. I remember always having a friend to laugh with. Most of all, I remember my friend Kate. I will always remember Kate and will carry the lessons that she taught me throughout my life. I will remember everyday just how precious life is. And I will remember every day just how much I miss my friend Kate.

With much love

Beth Targan

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