Through our organization, Sierra Zischke from Scottsdale, AZ was able to travel to South America to participate in a semester in Patagonia this year. Your gift makes a world-class wilderness education accessible to those who wouldn’t otherwise have the opportunity. Hearing from students is one of the most gratifying parts of the scholarship process; we’re excited to share Sierra’s letter of gratitude with you!
Dear Kate Svitek Memorial Foundation,
Because of your generosity, my life has changed. I was able to participate with the 80-day kayaking and climbing experience in Patagonia. It is difficult for me to find the words to describe the full scope of my experience and there is so much more I will gain in the future as I continue to utilize the lessons I learned. Thank you for helping me to acquire the tools to become the best that I can be and an influence for others in my life.
NOLS is a unique experience no other program can offer someone. The program is not just teaching, it provides the environment for an individual for self-discover. My opportunity to experience NOLS was eye opening and mind expanding. It allowed me to look at my life from an outside perspective, enabling me to see what and who I want to be. I learned so much about myslef, the world and the people around me. Sometimes it can be so easy to get caught up in trivial matters, this trip helped me to identify and learn what is important to me today and gave the perspective of the path I want to take for my future.
Througout my life I have experienced many hardshpas and have grown by overcoming them. ThisNOLS expeidition presented me challenges and emaning situations that took me to a whole new level that I could never have achieved if I hadn’t had the opportunity to be part of this expedition and life changing experience.
Here is an example. After a long day of kayaking you are cold, tired and all you want to do is to sleep and get warm, but there are other priorities. You must set u camp, prepare meals and help your fellow campmates. While you are doing these tasks, you must keep your wet clothes on despite the intense desire to change into dry clothes because wearing them is how you dry them. This was very impactful to me, I learned perseverance, addressing priorities and excepting uncomfortable environments.
Once again, I want to express my deepest gratitude for supporting NOLS.
With gratitude,
Sierra Zischke